We would like to get out and help the less privilaged in our society by way of donations. Feel free to contribute any money/materials towards tghe cause
Author: gmtonga
G&L Infortech Investments is a provider of Point of Sale (POS) and Internet solutions to allow local SMEs and individuals market their products and services everywhere and at zero cost on the part of SMEs.
G&L Infortech Investment’s vision is to facilitate buying and selling of goods and services online across Malawi and the whole world. G&L Infortech Investment allows people buy online and goods bought may be delivered at their door steps depending on special arrangements with the buyer.
G&L Infortech Investments has two arms: one arm is profit oriented where we develop Point of sale solutions, e-commerce systems for organizations, websites, booking systems (for hotels and transports) and database design and development. The profits realized from this arm are used to foot expenses incurred on the non-profit arm. The non-profit arm (Malawi SMEs online) is involved in marketing SMEs products and services at zero cost. The more customers the profit oriented arm gets the more the support given to the non-profit arm.